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  • Meet Pano AI: A Wildfire Detection Startup Powered by AI to Provide Actionable Intelligence for Wildfire Management

Meet Pano AI: A Wildfire Detection Startup Powered by AI to Provide Actionable Intelligence for Wildfire Management

The risk of human and property loss from wildfires is rising worldwide. Artificial intelligence (AI) in fire prevention and detection has gained popularity recently.

Pano AI is a super cool AI startup that is leading the charge in this area. Pano AI has created an interconnected platform to aid in rapidly detecting, confirming, and disseminating wildfire information to the appropriate authorities.

Pano AI generates a real-time picture of wildfires by combining data from numerous sources, such as ultra-high-definition cameras, geo satellite data, field sensors, and legacy cameras. The software uses AI to detect, track, and predict the development of wildfires. Pano's software is hosted in the cloud, which enables improved interagency cooperation and faster notification of new fires to first responders.

Pano AI also offers a wide selection of tools for fire professionals to control wildfires.

  • Instantaneous updates and alerts

  • Intricate map overlays

  • Tools for cooperative work

  • Analyzing Data


There are many ways in which firefighters might profit from using Pano AI.

  • Wildfires can be detected and confirmed more quickly.

  • Raised awareness of current circumstances

  • Better coordination and productivity as a result.

  • Better ability to make choices

Pano AI completed its $20 million Series A fundraising round in September 2023. The additional funds will be utilized to hire more people and build the company's platform more quickly.

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Additional Information

Six state agencies, including those in California and Montana, have joined forces with the company, and in December 2022, the company acquired two states in Australia as clients. Australia is one of the most bushfire-prone countries in the world.

Google and Microsoft are only two of the many digital giants with which the company has formed partnerships to improve and expand its platform. There are currently 5.6 million acres under surveillance by the firm.

Key takeaways

  • Pano AI is an artificial intelligence (AI)—powered system for detecting and reporting wildfires, greatly improving firefighters' response times.

  • Faster wildfire identification and confirmation, more situational awareness, greater efficiency and teamwork, and more sound decision-making are just some advantages that Pano AI provides to the fire service.

  • Pano AI has teamed with various tech firms to build new features and integrations for its platform, and it is already in use by numerous fire departments and agencies around the world.

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